Friday, June 24, 2011

Don't Call It a Comeback (No Seriously, Don't)

Well, well, well. Here we again. For those of you who don't  know - and considering that my following here is closer to my Christmas card list than world domination, I'm going to consider all of you do - the 2009 NYC Marathon didn't work out for me. I strained the ligaments between my ankle and my foot so severely that 10 days before the Marathon I was in an air cast, with the doctor telling me: "You could run... you just won't finish." But much like Alanis Morisette, I'm here to remind you of the mess you left when you went away... actually, that doesn't really apply, but... I'm training for a race again! Which means, more Fat blogging! Cue my mom mass e-mailing her office!

While, the devastation of not being able to run the marathon sat-in - you know "Why me! Why!!!", yada, yada yada, I'm super proud to announce that my running buddy, Heathaaa, completed the NYC Marathon in 2009 and Jilly, who also herself training in 2009, completed the NYC Marathon in 2010, keeping the Ed's Team for Fred's team tradition alive in honor of Jilly's Dad / Heathaaa's Uncle, Ed Cook. (This year, Jilly's brother--in-law, Danny is taking up the charge - show him some love). Also, if you were wondering what a picture of a "good sport" looks like here you go (Me proudly cheering on Heathaaaa at 2009 NYC Marathon):

Oh and me? Well, I spiraled, gained the 30 pounds I lost training and vowed never to run again! It was all very dramatic and sad, in a very specific way. However, let's not dwell on the memories (and the donuts) of the past. Run, Fatboy, Run is about persevering (and snacking).

At my full-time job at the American Cancer Society, there is Team DetermiNation, which allows people to join up at run endurance events in support of ACS. My office at the Nassau Region has decided to start a team and run the Rock N Roll 10K in Brooklyn on October 22nd, 2011. We're running to honor all of the volunteers, cancer survivors and caregivers, who make our job worthwhile, every day.

I could think of no better reason or way to jump back into running than with this. Hell, 10K? 6.2 miles? I ran 20 miles once! (This attitude / mentality will ultimately be my undoing). So please, jump back on board with Run, Fatboy, Run as I blog my continued misadventures, running, training and trying to not be so adorably chubby. 

And who knows, maybe Ed's Team for Fred's Team will have a new member for the NYC Marathon 2012. (But probably not...)

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