Saturday, August 29, 2009

Day 60: Saddle Up

After getting a clean bill of health from my medical team, I was finally ready to get back to running. Of course this was supposed to happen on Monday, but as I've been learning from the cold hard bitch of marathon training, things happen. Honestly, at this point, I don't even really remember what was going on the last two days that were so important I couldn't carve out 40 minutes to run. I'm assuming it something to do with Demi Lovato or True Blood or my new obsession with Red Box movie rentals. But does it really matter? I realize I'm the only one getting hurt (literally and metaphorically) by skipping my training. Won't we all be so happy when I bust a kneecap or tear off a nipple and finally don't have to make these excuses?

Going to the gym for the first time in what was now over two weeks, was at once scary and exhilarating, like the prospect of a a stint in rehab or the new Whitney Houston CD. While my hatred of running on the treadmill is well-documented at this point, there was something more foreboding in the air this evening. I felt like I was sleepwalking my way into Planet Fitness, scared that I would enter the gym and everyone was going to stop what they are doing, weights would simultaneously clink and the Junk Alarm was going to go beserk. Luckily, a handsome woman in a reverse mullet snapped me out of my trance, and I realized that no one cares about me. And if I was walking in the same time as this human Body Glove t-shirt, they wouldn't even know I existed.

I decided to stretch, because this seems to be an aspect of the running process that I have avoided, like many of the people at the gym have avoided self-respect. After my deep stretch, I stepped onto the treadmill and let 'er rip. Ok, that's an exaggeration, because a 40 minute run / 3.2 mile run isn't exactly a rip roaring run, but I was very pleased that I was pretty much in the same time as my previous runs. Meaning, I am training so poorly, that two weeks off doesn't even effect me. Impressed?

The Breakdown of the Day:

The Playlist:

Kings of Leon - Only By The Night CD

The Food:

Still haven't gotten back on the whole tracking my food thing.

The Workout:

The Picture:

Like what you are reading? Show me the love by donating to my Fred's Team NYC Marathon Page!

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