Going to the gym for the first time in what was now over two weeks, was at once scary and exhilarating, like the prospect of a a stint in rehab or the new Whitney Houston CD. While my hatred of running on the treadmill is well-documented at this point, there was something more foreboding in the air this evening. I felt like I was sleepwalking my way into Planet Fitness, scared that I would enter the gym and everyone was going to stop what they are doing, weights would simultaneously clink and the Junk Alarm was going to go beserk. Luckily, a handsome woman in a reverse mullet snapped me out of my trance, and I realized that no one cares about me. And if I was walking in the same time as this human Body Glove t-shirt, they wouldn't even know I existed.
I decided to stretch, because this seems to be an aspect of the running process that I have avoided, like many of the people at the gym have avoided self-respect. After my deep stretch, I stepped onto the treadmill and let 'er rip. Ok, that's an exaggeration, because a 40 minute run / 3.2 mile run isn't exactly a rip roaring run, but I was very pleased that I was pretty much in the same time as my previous runs. Meaning, I am training so poorly, that two weeks off doesn't even effect me. Impressed?
The Breakdown of the Day:
The Playlist:
Kings of Leon - Only By The Night CD
The Food:
Still haven't gotten back on the whole tracking my food thing.
The Workout:
The Picture:
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