This is why I invested in the Nike + iPod running chip. It is quite simple: you put the chip in your shoe and attach another chip to your iPod Nano and it will keep track of your pace, mileage and calories burned. Delightful, no? I bought my first Nike running chip 2 years ago. I lost it. Not surprising. I then bought a replacement chip. It broke. I purchased another chip a couple of months ago. I went for one run with it and the chip fell out of my shoe. As luck would have it, I found it on the street but it wasn't working. As marathon training approached, Jilly picked one up for me at the Nike Factory outlet. I attempted using it for the first time on my first day of training - and it didn't work. So on Day 2, I traveled at lunch all the way to Best Buy and bought a new chip. I also bought a special watch that you wear to control the music selection on your iPod, thus eliminating the need to move my arm the 6 inches to the left to change songs. Phew.
So four chips down, but I'm feeling good. I'm going to cross-train today at the gym, but first let me calibrate this brand new chip. I walk for .25 miles and it's telling me I'm moving at a 17 - 19 minute mile pace, which is accurate. Great. It's working! Victory! I then decide that since it only takes a 1/4 mile to calibrate the chip for a run (you have to calibrate for both walking and running, separately), I'd show off my Day 2 running skills and run an 8-speed on the treadmill for 1/4 mile (which is roughly a 7 minute mile. Great. Running and calibrating like a champ. Feeling good! I look at the iPod and it's at .19 of .25. No problem. I look again in a minute, and it's still at .19. WTF!?!?! The chip had flown off while I was running! Not 6 hours after I bought it! To make matters worse, I wouldn't accept the fact that it was gone. So I'm walking around the treadmills like a maniac looking under people's machines. I walked around like a madman for a good 15 minutes making several people uncomfortable, before deciding that this was the kind of roadblock which normally result in me giving up. I'm happy to report that I still did my 30 minute cross-training on the elliptical. So what did I do today? I went and bought yet ANOTHER Nike + iPod chip, which coupled with my early upgrade of my iPhone, leaves me as, quite simply, Apple's bitch.
The Breakdown of the Day:
The Playlist:
Due to my near breakdown over the Nike chip incident, I opted on focusing on the episode of Friends that was on. It was the episode where Monica gets the race car bed and the gang finds out that Janice is cheating on Chandler with her ex-husband.
The Food:
Bottom Line: you consumed 2236 and burned 400 calories. Your daily calorie loss of 1292 calories exceeds the planned calorie loss by 245 calories.
At this rate you will be losing about 5¾oz daily, or about 2.6lb each week, or about 11.1lb monthly.
Your daily calorie loss of 892 calories is greater than 800 calories, which could be done only if approved by a qualified nutritionist.
Day Highlights
You've burned 400.0 calories!
Congratulations: 13g of sat fat is less than 7% of calories, reducing risk of heart disease.
Congratulations: 0g of trans fat is less than 1% of calories, reducing risk of heart disease.
Low cholesterol: 265mg, staying under 300mg.
You consumed 4502mg of sodium; the recommended range is 1,500 - 2,300mg.
The Workout:
30 minutes on the eliptical / 400 calories burned / 2.00 miles
The Picture (this one's for you, Lauren Koslow!):
Like what you are reading? Show me the love by donating to my Fred's Team NYC Marathon Page! https://fredsteam.mskcc.org/fundraising/Controller?action=userHome&user_id=40160&event_id=128
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