Look, world, I have the Tummies. Get off my back. I'm only human! Starting Thursday night around midnight (after my Long Beach run when I visited Kerry, my Lil' Buddy, at her apt. and had a snack of PB & saltines) through most of Friday and Saturday, I had some major stomach cramping. This is something that happens fairly often to me, the cause of which is unknown (although, I currently suspect sympathy food aversions, since my work wife, Michelle is pregnant). Something I'm eating causes my stomach and intestines to basically close-up shop for a few hours, and leads me to feel what I can only assume is what Gizmo feels just before the Gremlins start popping out of his body. Anyone who knows me knows how terrifying this is for me, as Gremlins are my greatest fear. This malady led me to skip my Friday workout, because I didn't eat anything all day Friday, for fear of angering the Tummy Gods with another stomach cramping episode. Saturday's 5-mile long run, I switched with Sunday's rest day. I had my LAST Relay For Life event on Saturday (congratulations, Manhasset!) and was up on my feet running around a soggy field for 12 hours. My first long run, gulp, we'll see how it goes! I also hope that you all appreciate how open and honest this blog is and how little shame I have.
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