After the last few days, I had decided that I must, must hit the road to run, and not be stuck in the gym. So I went to Dick's Sporting Goods to buy some contraption to put the iPod + Nike chip into. Granted, it felt a little counterintuitive to try to purchase something to support the iPod + Nike chip, since the inanimate object has, over the past few days, become my archnemesis. I now totally understand everything that John Connor feels when battling the Terminators. I asked a young gentleman at the store where one could find a iPod + Nike chip condom, and he informed me that not only did no major stores carry them, that they are sort of illegal (Apple owns the patent - I don't know for what, possibly anything that is oval-shaped) to sell. Whoops.
Since, I am a big fan of spending money I don't actually have unnecessarily (I could actually be the poster-child for the country's current economic crisis) I thought this might be a great time to buy a pair of Nikes. This would solve multiple problems - it would get me some new running sneakers, which I'm actually in desperate need of. I would be able to securely store the Nike + iPod chip comfortably - I like to keep my friends close, and my enemies closer. However, I know that Nikes are terrible for running - I've tried before, and it ended with shin splints and general feelings of anger and resentment. In a shocking change of events I decided to buy the black market chip condom and forsake the $200 sneakers that feel like cement blocks. Score one for internal growth.
With that detour out of the way, I made it to the gym. It was too late and cold to run outside - and I was ill-prepared. I did have a shirt, a pair of shorts, extra running shoes and a sweatshirt in the car, but incidentally, no running route. To the gym I went. The treadmill was a little rough, and I felt a little deleted when I had to walk (at a brisk pace) for a minute at a time for five minutes. I was vindicated however, but running a few minutes at a faster pace (this is generally why I like to run on the road instead of the gym) and still ended up running the 40 minutes at an average pace of just over 14-minutes per mile. Granted, this isn't bragging, it just is. I'm hoping next week to run slightly faster, but right now I'm just trying to get used to running for that amount of time. Realistically, my goal is to run at a 12 - 13 minute-mile pace which would put me between 5 1/2 - 6 hour marathon pace. Even more realistically, I just want to finish the damn thing before they stop giving out medals, and it's just my mom and my sister in the dark waiting for me with flashlights at the finish line.
After the 40 minutes, I did 4 speed drills. I love a good sprint, because despite my size, I'm pretty fast. Anyone who has met either myself, my father or my grandmother, knows that, in the words of my little buddy, Kerry Cook, our calves are sculpted from granite, (as opposed to the rest of our bodies that are molded from Jell-O). I ran 30 seconds at a 7.0, walked for a minute / 30 seconds at a 7.5, walked for a minute / ran 30 seconds at an 8.0, walked for a minute / ran 40 seconds at an 8.5, walked for a minute / died from exhaustion.
Realizing that running is only going to get me so far, I've adopted an 8-week full-body training program, assuming that the less I weigh, the easier it'll be to haul myself 26.2 miles. This was the first day and it involved two circuits of 10 reps of each exercise (squats, dumbbell bench press, dumbbell lunges, seated cable rows, One-Leg Dumbbell Calf Raises, 20 crunches). I'm not a big weight-lifting guy, and I've always been particularly self-conscious about using the machines/weights at the gym. I just assume that everyone there is staring at you, silently judging how much you could bench or your lack of knowledge as to form, conduct, etc. My worst fear would be for someone - a trainer or a fellow gym rat - to come up to me and tell me I was doing something wrong. My only course of action at that point would be to leave the gym and never return. And that's just a bad investment. But a couple of years ago, I did pay an astronomical amount of money for a trainer, and thanks to Wally (his name was actually, Rich, but we called him Wally in my office - for no discernible reason), I have a much better understanding of what I'm doing. Thanks, Wally! Furthermore, I realized that no one cares about anyone other themselves or the exceptionally attractive at the gym. Flying under radar at the gym is one of the very few perks of being out of shape.
The Breakdown of the Day:
The Playlist:
Several Ways to Die Trying - Dashboard Confessional
I Like You So Much Better When You're Naked - Ida Maria
One - Mary J. Blige feat. U2
Don't Stop Believin' - The Cast of Glee
Sequestered In Memphis - The Hold Steady
Dance, Dance - Fall Out Boy
Since U Been Gone - Kelly Clarkson
Know Your Enemy - Green Day
The '59 Sound - The Gaslight Anthem
Oh Sherrie - Steve Perry
Break Your Heart (live) - Barenaked Ladies
The Food:
Day energy balance:766 less calories than personalized USDA DRI + 626 average burn with activities = 1392 total daily
calorie loss
Bottom Line: you consumed 2362 and burned 626 calories. Your daily calorie loss of 1392 calories exceeds the planned calorie loss by 337 calories. At this rate you will be losing about 7oz daily, or about 2.8lb each week, or about 11.9lb monthly.
Day Highlights
You've burned 626.0 calories!
You had more than 38g of dietary fiber recommended for men up to age 50.
Congratulations: 7g of sat fat is less than 7% of calories, reducing risk of heart disease.
Congratulations: 0g of trans fat is less than 1% of calories, reducing risk of heart disease.
Low cholesterol: 68mg, staying under 300mg.
Include at least 5 grams of fiber in your breakfast to help meet fiber and weight control goals.
You consumed 2837mg of sodium; the recommended range is 1,500 - 2,300mg.
The Workout:
Time: 40:13 seconds
Avg. Min/Mile: 14:17
Mileage: 2.84
Calories: 382
I do think, however, the treadmill needs to redefine it's definition of the word "great":
The Picture:
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